Resident Scribe TC Newsome's full-length articles are designed for maximum comprehension.
—Professional Christians
—Gotta Be Me!
—The Church Fathers
—KJV History
—Titles of Reverence
—Ears to Hear
—Bad Things Happen
—Council of Nicea
—A Party Game
—What Was Jesus Really Like?
—Withheld Listening
—Lie Awake at Night?
—What's Your Calling?
—How The Apostles Died
—The New Jerusalem
—Napoleon re: Jesus
—Peddle God's Word...?
—Spiritual Giftedness
—Teaching v. Learning
—"New Testament?" What's New?
—Why Marry?
—Faith EquitySM
—Getting Saved...the history of it
—Female Pastors?
—False Prophets (Can you I.D. them?)
—"In the name of Jesus!"
—"Prove It."
—"Judge Not..."
—"The Bathsheba Affair"
—"I was a Backslider!"
—You a "Doubting Thomas?"
—Our Bible...a book of fairytales?
—"There was this Stranger..."
—"Missing! ...from God's Armour"
—Stress Relief
—Upon Which Rock?
—Day Star
—"Hahvuhd, Dahling!"
—Like Streams of Water
—Eternally SEALED?
—"...but what of WORKS?"
—Rescue the Perishing!
—Religion & Science
—Why Is It So Difficult?
Resident Scribe, TC Newsome—
Click the IMAGE to see his "Friends" Page, dedicated to sensible Bible discussion.
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